The CUT je oddaja v YouTubu, ki bo redno prinašala zanimive in zabavne informacije iz sveta skupine CERATIZIT. Teme segajo od izdelkov, storitev, dogodkov, projektov in še veliko več.

📺 Episode 1: High Dynamic Turning with FreeTurn

We talk about our product innovation known as High Dynamic Turning with FreeTurn tools:

  • How does High Dynamic Turning with FreeTurn work 
  • Benefits of using the system 
  • Challenges on the market and solutions 
  • Programming FreeTurn

📺 Episode 2: FRACE Bike

A complete bike frame milled from the solid! We talk about a great customer success using CERATIZIT tools:

  • Where the idea to mill a bike from a solid block came from 
  • The challenges of machining a bike frame 
  • How trochoidal milling was utilized 
  • How well does the bike perform